International academic conference «Relevant issues of international relations in the new geopolitical realities» and the V Eurasian readings dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Professor Zharas Omarovich Ibrashev

24 february, 2024

On February 23, 2024, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international academic conference «Relevant issues of international relations in the new geopolitical realities» and the V Eurasian readings dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Professor Zharas Omarovich Ibrashev. The event was held within the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Professor Zharas Omarovich Ibrashev was the founder of the “International Relations” specialty in Kazakhstan; the founder of the Faculty of International Relations of Al Farabi Kazakh National University; a renowned scholar; the founder of the scientific school of outstanding researchers of France, Europe and Eurasia in Kazakhstan.

The goal of the international conference is to discuss contemporary issues of international relations and foreign policy of Kazakhstan; international law; world economy, issues of diplomatic translation matters.

The international scientific and practical conference was attended by Deputy Akim of Almaty Kyrykbayev Arman, Chairman of the Management Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tuimebayev Zhanseit, Head of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty Bulegenov Bakytzhan, General Consul of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Almaty Kayumov Abdurakhim, Deputy General Consul of the People’s Republic of China Zhong Hua, Consul of the Indian Republic in Almaty Swapnil Kozawada, Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications in Almty Vlastimil Samek, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Abusseitov Kairat, prominent foreign and razakh researchers, members of the academic and expert community, renowed alumni and professors of the Faculty of International Relations.

The conference discussed such issues as Kazakhstan’s choice of a unipolar or multipolar world order; the role of Kazakhstan’s diplomacy in the context of the transformation of the modern system of international relations, the role of Central Asia in modern international relations, transport corridors in the context of geopolitical changes, Kazakhstan’s relations with major foreign policy partners, etc.