«Economic progress and working conditions in society»

20 february, 2024

On February 20, 2024,  the teachers of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies within the framework of the project «SDG 8. Decent Work and economic growth» held an  event on the theme «Economic progress and working conditions in society» with the  1st year  master’s  degree students majoring in «7M02312-Foreign Philology».  
During the event, 5he master’s  degree students of Foreign Philology,  Kazhiyakhmetova Aiganym Maratovna and Akhmet Uldanai Onlasynkyzy prepared reports and presentations on the need for economic growth and ensuring decent work. They noted that economic development bof our country requires innovation, education, the development of entrepreneurship. To reduce  unemployment it is necessary to support small and medium - sized enterprises, as well as to  create  favorable investment climate.

          Organizers: Ongarbayeva M. S., Taeva R. M.