"The Prevention of discrimination»

1 march, 2024

On February 27, 2024, at 11.00 in auditorium 310, the Department of Civil Law and civil procedure, labor law held a meeting on the topic "implementation of Sustainable Development Goals "" prevention of discrimination. "held a scientific seminar on the topic""." The speaker of this event was senior lecturer, PhD doctor Asanova S. E.

Discrimination is a complex phenomenon. There are types of it: social, economic and political. If we take social discrimination, we mean living in the form of traditions, beliefs and stereotypes in Kazakh society. The concept that" a woman is inferior to a man " is also the basis for gender, social discrimination. There is also a division into" does not know the native language", alienation of a person by ethnicity. The problem of Dungans in kordai can also be mentioned. There is also a legalized form of discrimination. For example, in some states there were laws of discrimination against representatives of a small group. Homosexuals were persecuted in the Soviet Union, so they were forced to hide it, fearing to introduce themselves, to speak openly about their orientation. There are many examples from history of legalized discrimination, such as the persecution of Jews under Nazi Germany.

A paradoxical position, especially aimed at a small group, prevents a representative of this group from being recognized as a citizen. This leads to the fact that a person is treated, judged, not as a citizen, but as a person who belongs to some environment. In this way, it will be excluded, alienated. That is why it is so important to combat discrminination, especially its dangerous form for human life and Health, — says the specialist.

The seminar was a great opportunity for the participants to exchange experience, express their opinions and defend the rights of people with disabilities, discuss. The event also contributed to the strengthening of interaction between students and teachers, creating a favorable learning and research environment.