More than half a century of service to his native university

5 march, 2024

Veteran of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Yerezhepov Adil Yerezhepovich turned 75 on March 7, 2024. The staff of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology know and respect him as an excellent teacher, a conscientious researcher, a modest, caring person filled with inner nobility and tact.

A.E.Yerezhepov was born into a simple Kazakh family in the village of Abai in the Tulkubassky district of the Shymkent region, where the childhood and youth of the future teacher, scientist, recognized specialist in the field of biochemistry and plant physiology were spent. After graduating from the Biological Faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov in 1972, in the period from 1972 to 1975, he studied in graduate school under the guidance of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR T.B. Darkanbayev, a scientist who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of biological science in Kazakhstan in the field of biochemistry and plant physiology. During this period, he became involved in active scientific work, conducts his first research, makes his first reports at national conferences, where his interest and desire for scientific work were manifested. After graduating from graduate school, A.E.Erezhepov began working in the problematic research laboratory "Biochemistry of Plant Metabolism" at the Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, while simultaneously preparing his PhD thesis, which he successfully defended in 1984.

All further research work of A.E.Erezhepov was connected with a certain area of scientific interests during his postgraduate years. He has published more than 226 papers in journals included in the Scopus database, as well as journals recommended by the CCSON in the field of biochemistry, physiology, and plant cell engineering. He is well known from his publications, and colleagues from Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan remember him from his informative speeches at conferences.


Teaching has become an important part of A.E.Erezhepov's activity. Almost all of his professional activities are inextricably linked with the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 1990 to the present, he has consistently worked his way up from a teacher to an associate professor of the Department of Biotechnology (formerly the Department of Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology) of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 1996, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. He has developed and lectures undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of biological and related faculties in such key undergraduate disciplines (Human Biochemistry, Biological Chemistry, Structure and Properties of Biopolymers, Fundamentals of Laboratory Research in Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biochemistry and Plant Physiology, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Biochemistry of Physical Culture and Sports, Biochemistry of Secondary Metabolites, Clinical Biochemistry, Environmental Biochemistry, Medical Biochemistry, Fundamentals of Membranology, Metabolism, Technical Biochemistry, Environmental Biochemistry, Enzymology); Master's degree (Biochemistry and Physiology of animal membranes, Metabolism of xenobiotics); doctoral degree (Phytoaccumulation).


A.E.Yerezhepov pays great attention to personnel training. Under his leadership, 3 PhD theses and more than 85 master's theses and graduation papers were defended. In the period from 1997 to 2020, the textbook by J.K.Kalekenov "Osimdikter physiologiyasy" was published (edited by A.E.Yerezhepov and 12 textbooks written by him alone and in co-authorship: "Plant embryology", "Fundamentals of laboratory research", "Kazakh tili terminderin salalyk tusindirme sozdigi: Biology", "Osimdikter embryologiyasi", "Osimdikter physiologiyasi", "Laboratoryalyk zhumystardyn negizderi", "Technical biochemistry", "Methodological guide to laboratory classes on tissue culture and plant biotechnology", "Osimdik ulpalaryn osiru zhane biotechnology boyynsha zerthanalyk zhumystarga arnalgan adistemelik nuskau", "Dandy, zharma zhane technikalyk dakyldar biochemistry (Technikalyk biochemistry), "Meditsinalyk biotechnology", "Biologiyalyk chemistry: theory and practice".

His long-term work is marked by medals: "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn Tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl", medal "A.Baitursynov"Al-Farabi atyndagy KazUU-ga 75 zhyl", "Al-Farabi atyndagi KazUU-ga 80 zhyl", "Ulagatty ustaz" and the badge "Bilim beru isinin kurmetti kyzmetkeri".

It is customary to judge a person by his deeds. His entire professional activity shows that he faithfully and efficiently performs his work and in this he serves as an example for his young colleagues and students. Adil Yerezhepovich embodies the best qualities of a genuine teacher – decency, honesty, reliability, modesty. Numerous friends, students and colleagues know him this way. We wish the hero of the day good health, long life and fruitful work in an atmosphere of grateful respect and deep respect.


Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor


PhD, Senior lecturer

Departments of Biotechnology