7 march, 2024


dedicated to the 90th anniversary Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

April 4-12, 2024


Dear colleagues!

In honor of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the III International Farabi Forum will be held in cooperation with international organizations, leading scientific centers and local government bodies from April 4 to 12, 2024.

Within the framework of the International Farabi Forum, large-scale scientific international events will be held aimed at mobilizing the efforts of foreign and Kazakh scientists in solving global problems of the development of society, the state and the individual.


"Al-farabi and the spiritual heritage of the kazakh people"

International Farabi Forum  dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU

April 4-5, 2024

 Sections of the forum:

  • The heritage of Al-Farabi and actual problems of Farabi Studies;
  • «The philosophy of language and the language of philosophy in the teachings of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi»;
  • The virtuous man in the heritage of Al-Farabi and Turkic Scholars;
  • Al-Farabi and Kazakh Civilization;
  •  The natural heritage of Al-Farabi.

Following discussion platforms and competitions will be held within the framework of the Forum:

I Discussion platform "The legacy of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi and the development of psychological science in the world";

II Discussion platform «Al-Farabi's language of education: personality in the context of intercultural communication and national identity»;

III Discussion platform «Sociology and Social Work: New Perspectives in Education and Research»;

IV Discussion platform «Problems of violence in society: ways of prevention and solutions»;

V Discussion platform «Pragmatism and spirituality in modern Kazakh philosophy»;

VI Discussion platform «Philosophical discourse on happiness»;

VIII  Discussion platform «Formation of philosophical terminology in Kazakh language»;

IX Discussion platform «Formation and development of Political Science in Independent Kazakhstan»;

X Essay competition «Life-affirming thoughts»;

XI Video competition «Relevance of Kazakh philosophy»;

XII «Spiritual conversation» platform dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the 30th Anniversary of the Small Farabi Academy.

Venue: 71 Al-Farabi Ave, Almaty, Al-Farabi KazNU, Scientific Library (4th floor, conference hall).

Organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Responsible: Osserbayev Y.N., Baltymova M.R., tel.in. 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1759), 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1747).e-mail: farabiforum2024@gmail.com


International Scientific Conference

of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"

April 4-6, 2024

On April 12, 2024, as part of the closing ceremony of the III International Farabi Forum, students and young scientists will be awarded in various nominations, a competition for innovative projects of student business incubators and a competition "The best young scientist of KazNU".

Detailed information regarding the planned scientific events within the framework of the III International Farabi Forum will be distributed in Information Letters from the organizing faculties.

III International Farabi forum Organizing committee: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040, 71 Al-Farabi Ave., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Science and Innovation.Responsible:Abdresh A.G.,e-mail: Abdresh.Akziya@kaznu.kz  . Tel. 8(727) 377-33-33, ext.11-62.

Venue: Faculties of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Scientific Library, 4th floor, No. 416 conference hall.


Round table

on the topic "Waste management and green technologies".

April 5, 2024

The program of the round table provides for dialogue and discussions in the following areas:

  • Environmental problems of "green" energy;
  • Waste in thermal power engineering and technologies of their processing;
  • Prospects for the development of sustainable waste management.

Venue: Faculty of Physics and Technology.

Organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology. Responsible: S.A.Bolegenova, tel:+77013869755, email: Saltanat.Bolegenova@kaznu.edu.kz


International Scientific and Practical Conference

"II Paradigm of sustainable economic development in the context of global change: challenges, consequences, opportunities"

April 8-9, 2024

The main directions of the conference:

  • Global challenges of our time and strategic priorities: food security, digitalization and inclusive development of Kazakhstan;
  • Finance, accounting and public audit as key constants of sustainable economic development in the context of modern challenges and threats;
  • Management - A new paradigm of management development: challenges, threats, solutions;
  • Transformation of business technologies in the context of sustainable development opportunities and prospects.

Venue: Al-Farabi Library. Conference Hall No. 416, Higher School of Economics and Business.

Organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Higher School of Economics and Business. Responsible: Ametova Zh., tel. 8(701)252-50-18.,e-mail.ametova@kaznu.kz     


International scientific-practical conference

“International experience of integration and the possibilities of its use for Central Asia”

April 9, 2024

The main directions of the conference’s work:

  • Cooperation between Central Asian states: trends and perspectives;
  • Analysis of integration processes in various regions of the world in order to identify the experience for use for the CA;
  • Geopolitical and geoeconomic factors of integration processes in Central Asia.

Venue: Faculty of International Relations, Conference room No.226.

Organizers: Faculty of International Relations, Institute for security and cooperation problems.Responsible:Baizakova K.I.,tel:+7(701)710-63-37, email: kbaizakova@mail.ru


VII International Journalism Forum

April 10, 2024

Forum sections:

  • Artificial intelligence in journalism: assistant or competitor?;
  • Artificial intelligence: new opportunities and practice;
  • Neural networks and journalism: short-term perspective, threats and forecasts;
  • Fighting disinformation: the role of artificial intelligence in journalism;
  • An ethical barometer in the era of artificial intelligence.

Venue: Al-Farabi Library, 4th floor..

Organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Journalism. Responsible: Sultanbayeva G.S., tel. 377 33 34 (14-92) e-mail: Gulmira.Sultanbayeva@kaznu.edu.kz


Round table

"The origins of Kazakh statehood: 800 years of Jochi Ulus"

April 11, 2024

The program of the round table provides for dialogue and discussions in the following areas:

  • Assessment of the place occupied by the states of Altyn Orda, Ak Orda, Nogai Horde, Mogolstan in the history of Kazakh statehood established during the time of Ulus Jochi;
  • To consider the importance of ethnopolitical, ethnogenetic study of the Jochi Ulus, the contribution of the inhabitants of the ulus to the formation of the Kazakh people;
  • Scientific and expert understanding of how the culture of the ulus influenced the literature, culture, and history of the subsequent Kazakh Khanate.

Venue: Faculty of History, Hall No. 405.

Organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of History. Responsible: Arynov Zh., tel. +77479376676., e-mail arynov2050@gmail.com