The country's largest university library

11 march, 2024


To achieve goal 4 "Quality education", teachers Koishybayeva G.S. and Musayeva G.A. of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners of the Faculty of Pre-University Education of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University visited the al-Farabi Library. It is the largest university library in the country, with a collection of about 3 million copies of books. All the activities of the Scientific Library are aimed at providing literature for the educational process, research work, as well as the cultural needs of its readers. The International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "FARABI ALEMI" is approaching, in which our foreign students will take part.

Based on a visit to the al-Farabi library, it can be concluded that access to high-quality literature is important to ensure the educational process. A visit to the library, which has one of the largest collections in the country, underlines the desire to improve education and research work. The preparation of students for participation in the international conference "FARABI ALEMI" further emphasizes the importance of active scientific and educational activities to achieve global educational goals. The library offers a variety of materials necessary for successful educational and research work. Moreover, a visit to the library highlights the importance of accessibility of educational resources for all participants in the educational process, regardless of their cultural or linguistic characteristics. This is an important step in ensuring high-quality education and scientific activity in the university community.