
2 march, 2024


 March 2, 2024

 Volleyball. Championship among dormitories.

 On March 2, 2024, in the sports complex of al-Farabi KazNU in hall No. 1, together with the campus administration (director - Seitzhanov Abdykakhar Anuarovich), volleyball competitions were held among female students living in dormitories. 13 women's teams took part in the competition. The games were held according to the Olympic system: in case of a loss – elimination from the competition. In a bitter struggle, the places were distributed as follows:

 1st place – Dormitory No. 4 – Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

 2nd place – Dormitory No. 17 – Faculty of Philology

 3rd place – Dormitory No. 6 – Faculty of Pre-University Education

 The games were exciting. All participants played with great passion. The fans actively supported their teams.

 Sports Club

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