Nauryznama celebrations - Shanyrak Day

18 march, 2024

March 17th, the fourth day of Nauryznama - Shanyrak Day. On this day one of the cultural events dedicated to the glorification of our family values, exemplary families that have brought up a moral generation, edwizer M.K. Bissenova from the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law visited the Central Museum together with the students of the 201st group. It was noted that the Day of Shanyrak demonstrates to students the culture of upbringing of the young generation and calls to develop in them aspiration to patriotism, morality and diligence. The dignity of the family has a special meaning in Kazakh culture. It is explained that it is the dome of heaven, home, support, prosperity and security, continuity of generations.