Meeting of FPPS students and teachers with veterans and participants of the International Anti-Nuclear Movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk” on the topic: “Anti-nuclear movement and youth”

14 march, 2024

March 14, 2024 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science by the Department of General and Applied Psychology of Farabi KazNU, within the framework of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of Kazakhstan (SDG 3 - Good health and well-being, SDG 17 - Partnership for sustainable development) and university teaching practice, a meeting was organized and held with veterans and participants of the International anti-nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk", in accordance with the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Farabi KazNU and the 35th anniversary of the Nevada-Semipalatinsk IAM.

Among the guests are veterans and participants of the Nevada-Semipalatinsk IAM, vice-president of the Anti-Nuclear Movement Zhandauletov Valery Aitmukashevich, scientific secretary of the IAM Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prus, movement activist Maul Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

The Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Meirbaev Bekzhan Berikbaevich delivered a welcoming speech and congratulations to the IAM veterans on their 35th anniversary. In his speech, Meirbaev B.B. noted the personal contribution of the outstanding graduate of KazNU, a famous public figure, the great Kazakh writer and poet Olzhas Omarovich Suleimenov and the unprecedented contribution of the International anti-nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" in stopping nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk and other 4 largest test sites in the world.

Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology M.P. Kabakova briefly introduced the history of the origins and the main historical dates of the International Anti-Nuclear Movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk”, noting the contribution of the teaching staff of Farabi KazNU in the activities of the IAM, including recalling the adviser to the president of the IAM, a graduate of Leningrad State University, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Kulyash Esirkegenovna Basybekova.


Next, the guests of the meeting spoke - vice-president of the Anti-Nuclear Movement Zhandauletov Valery Aitmukashevich, scientific secretary of the IAM Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prus, movement activist Maul Tatyana Aleksandrovna on the topic: “Anti-nuclear movement and youth”.


Zhandauletov Valery Aitmukashevich shared his memories of how the truly people’s anti-nuclear movement was born. February 28, 1989 is the date of creation of the first public organization in Kazakhstan (registration number No. 0001). He also spoke about peaceful marches, collecting signatures for the Appeal to reduce and stop nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk test site, about supporting residents of other countries where nuclear test sites were closed. In conclusion, Valery Aitmukashevich noted that he was ready to pass the baton - the history, experience of IAM to student youth, and presented books by Olzhas Suleimenov with the poet’s signature to the KazNU library.

Prus Lyudmila Nikolaevna, a graduate of the Faculty of Biology of KazNU, has been a member of the IAM since its founding, spoke about the role of youth in the development of the anti-nuclear movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk”, about the contribution of participants in the Kazakh movement to stopping nuclear tests around the world, and also called on students, undergraduates, doctoral students to contribute to the activities of the IAM by joining its ranks to maintain world peace.

Maul Tatyana Aleksandrovna, being a physicist and biophysicist, as well as a psychologist and a graduate of the department of general and applied psychology, noted the contribution of another famous graduate of KazNU, a public figure, the founder of biophysics in Kazakhstan, Viktor Mikhailovich Inyushin. And she proposed to unite the efforts of the department’s psychologists in conducting comprehensive research and rehabilitation measures for those affected by nuclear tests and all those in need.

At the end of the meeting, the Head of the Department, D.Sc. (Pedagogy), Professor Mynbaeva Aigerim Kazyevna, on behalf of all those present, all Kazakhstanis and herself personally, thanked the veterans of the International Anti-Nuclear Movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk” for the closure of the Semipalatinsk test site and other large test sites in the world, for a nuclear-free and peaceful life in Kazakhstan.

Students and undergraduates thanked the guests of the meeting for history and their contribution to the peaceful world today, and expressed their readiness to continue the work of the older generation.

The meeting took place in the reading room of the Scientific Library of al-Farabi KazNU, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Dean B.B. Meirbaev presented V.A. A memorable gift for Zhandauletov.




Moderator: head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Professor Mynbaeva A.K.

Organizers: professors of the Department of General and Applied Psychology M.P. Kabakova and Berdibaeva S.K.

Responsible: curators of the department, doctoral students Musa K.M., Gabdrakhman A., master's student Manarbekova Zh.K.