20 march, 2024

The sports club of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University celebrated Nauryz, the Great Day of Spring, on March 20, which is also approved as the national sports Day. This event was dedicated to celebrating the holiday in honor of Nauryz, demonstrating the richness and diversity of national sports traditions.

On this festive day, competitions were organized among students in national sports, including Kazakh wrestling, togyzkumalak, tug of war, lifting weights, arm wrestling, the game of asyk and tag. The students actively participated in the competitions, demonstrating their skills and athletic spirit.

The university's sports club showed high activity and involvement, which contributed to the successful holding of the event. This event was an excellent opportunity for students not only to demonstrate their sporting achievements, but also to immerse themselves in the study of national traditions and culture.

The event highlighted the importance of preserving and developing national sports games as part of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage. It also brought together students and university staff, recalling the importance of mutual understanding and unity in the diversity of our society.

The celebration of Nauryz at the sports club of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became a bright and unforgettable event that reflected the spirit of teamwork, respect for traditions and striving for excellence. Students and teachers were able not only to test their strength in sports, but also to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a national holiday filled with the spirit of unity and renewal.

This day left a vivid impression on all participants and guests of the event, becoming an example of how sports can unite people of different ages and interests. The importance of such events for strengthening a healthy lifestyle and fostering respect for national traditions cannot be overestimated.

We thank everyone who took part in the organization and holding of the event, as well as the students who actively participated in the competitions. Your energy, talent and passion for sports make our community stronger and richer.

Let's continue this tradition and come together next year to celebrate Nauryz again at the sports club of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, demonstrating not only our athletic skills, but also deep respect for national traditions and culture.

May every Nauryz fill us with new strength to achieve new heights in studies, sports and personal growth. Together we can create a story worthy of future generations.

Competitions in national sports were held in the KazNU gym: togyzkumalak, arkan Tartu, kol kures, kazak kures, assik, togyzkumalak, bes tas.

Sports Club 

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