KazNU supported the global action "Earth Hour"

23 march, 2024

Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi supported the international environmental action "Earth Hour". Al-Farabi supported the international environmental action "Earth Hour". In the evening of March 20, lights and electrical appliances were completely turned off in the academic buildings of the Faculty of Law and the Higher School of Economics and Business. The aim was to call for energy saving and the need to treat nature and the planet's resources responsibly.

Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev in his message to the people of Kazakhstan "Economic course of fair Kazakhstan" emphasized: "Electricity, heat and water are basic goods necessary for a comfortable life. Their use should be approached responsibly and prudently. This approach should be the basis of a new household culture in our country. This applies not only to households, but also to all participants in economic relations".
"Earth Hour is the largest international environmental event organized worldwide since 2007. It was initiated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The whole world turns off electricity for an hour. Every year about 200 countries take part in this action. In Kazakhstan this year Earth Hour is being held for the 15th time.

Also in Al-Farabi KazNU there is an action "Save Energy", within the framework of realization of 17 directions of the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of this event in higher education institution large-scale activities are held, in particular, for the social network TikTok various videos are shot, Challenges and flash mobs are organized. This initiative is aimed at the need to improve energy efficiency and save energy resources.

It should be noted that on March 23 Al-Farabi KazNU will take part in the international environmental action "Earth Hour". From 20:30 to 21:30 for one hour will be turned off light on the campus.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University