«Holiday of national values-Nauryz»

19 march, 2024



This year the President of the country proposed a new format for celebrating one of the main holidays symbolising the beginning of the new year and spring, where national traditions and customs are rooted. From 2024, it was proposed to celebrate Nauryz meiramy from 14 to 23 March and to call this period «Nauryznama». Under the new transformation, Creation Day, Mercy Day, National Traditions Day, Family Day, National Dress Day, Renewal Day, National Sports Day, Solidarity Day, Unity Day, New Year's Day and Cleanliness Day will be celebrated.

In this regard, doctoral students of the 1st year of the educational programme of cultural studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi as a scientific and cultural support of the President's initiative presented their format of Nauryz meiramy celebration, planned for 2 days at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. In particular, a seminar «What do you know about Nauryz?!» was held on 18 March in student dormitory № 9. On the 19th of March in the yurt area in the corridor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science a festive event «Holiday of national values – Nauryz» was organised. The festive event began with a folk holiday «Korisu», where students and teachers exchanged hugs, congratulated each other on the New Year, watched performances by students of our faculty, and held a master class on felting.

These festive events were one of the reasons for the revival of Nauryz holiday in a new format.