Doctoral students of Al-Farabi KazNU organized a meeting with a veteran dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university

18 march, 2024

Doctoral students of KazNU organized the event “Meeting with Veterans” on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of KazNU at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science on March 18 as part of teaching practice. In addition, the event was held jointly with Karlygash Moldagalevna Borbasova, who expressed great support for the event, the organizer, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of teaching practice. During the event, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, experienced teacher Nagima Zhaubaevna Baytenova was invited as a special guest. The main goal of the event was to introduce the younger generation to the great achievements of our veteran, to meet with the professorial community of KazNU through an interesting interview. During the meeting, topical issues of Nagima Zhaubekovna were discussed under the title “Religious Studies: Present and Future.” During the interview, 1st-2nd year students and 1st year graduate students of our faculty took part and asked their questions. Nagima Zhaubaevna is currently involved in many scientific projects in the field of religious studies, publishes scientific books and research, and also conducts analysis of modern secular and post-secular concepts and religious views in Kazakhstan. During the meeting with the students, we are confident that the meeting was interesting due to the questions and comments.

At this meeting, the department had a unique opportunity to share its scientific and academic achievements, as well as learn more about the work of other scientific groups at our university. We are proud of our teachers at our university and we are honored that our veterans work in the field of science.


Department of Religious and Cultural Studies

Borbasova Karlygash Moldagalievna.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.

1st year doctoral students

Kusherbaeva A.

Kabylbayeva N.