25 january, 2024

To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the university, the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti" was 75 years old, which has set in stone the whole history of black shanyrak and gave the opportunity to students, teachers, researchers to publish fresh information, articles in various fields.

Within the framework of the 90th anniversary of the educational institution the collection "yearbook of the leading university" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti" was published. The book presents archival originals and annals of photos of materials of rectors and scientists-teachers, students, published mainly in this edition. The work highlights the history of the university, the entire yearbook intertwined with the living life. The innovative projects that have been realized in recent years are particularly vivid. Pithy stories from famous personalities who lectured on leadership were also excerpted from the book on relevant topics. Intensive construction of educational institutions and major renovation of dormitories were not left out. In addition, the book page features veterans of the university reminiscing and talking about the days gone by. Memories of newspaper editors about the education of Maytalman teachers who witnessed the initial step of the educational institution have also been published.