The main environmental problem is air quality

26 march, 2024

On March 26, 2024, an event was held on the topic “The main environmental problem is air quality” for 3rd year students of the specialty “Oriental Studies” of the Department of “Far East” of the Faculty of Oriental Studies with the goal of sustainable development. The purpose of the event is to identify sources of air pollution and explain ways to combat them.

We all know that the disease of the 21st century is air pollution, air pollution from fine dust, ozone and other pollutants.

As Asian Studies students, our students focused on the sources of pollution using the example of the air pollution problem in South Korea. In particular, coal-fired thermal power plants, public transport and other sources of air pollution are known. Air quality in major cities in South Korea and surrounding provinces has deteriorated significantly during the period of rapid industrialization. At the same time, it has been confirmed that dust and pollen from other neighboring countries are also involved in air pollution. Analyzing the sources of air pollution in the Republic of Korea and ways to combat it, they made a comparison with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Explaining the sources of air pollution in the Republic of Kazakhstan, students focused on ways to combat them and gave an example of Green Deal programs aimed at improving the quality of clean air in the Republic of Korea. Currently, one of the measures to clean the air is landscaping and increasing the number of green spaces. In this direction, students discussed their own proposals.

Responsible: Head of the Department of Far East Abagan A.B., and Korean Studies Zhakhanova. J.A.