Forum on discussion of problems of biological sciences started in KazNU

27 march, 2024

In the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi started an international forum on the theme "Modern trends of sustainable development of biological sciences".

The event brought together scientists, academicians, professors and teachers from different countries such as Kazakhstan, China, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkey, Japan, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, France, Germany.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss new approaches, technologies and strategies aimed at achieving sustainable development in the biological sciences, and the development of solutions together with foreign scientists.
Speaking with welcoming speech, member of the Board - Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities of KazNU Zhamila Aitzhanova noted that higher education institution takes an active part in the realization of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
"In our time, when scientific discoveries and technological progress continue to shape our environment, the problems of sustainable development in biological sciences are becoming more and more relevant. The forum will discuss new approaches, technologies and strategies to achieve sustainable development in biology and develop collaborative solutions to realize these goals. The Sustainable Development Goals developed within the UN framework are aimed at ensuring the long-term well-being of mankind and play an important role in this process," said the Vice-Rector.

The international forum was initiated by the Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Scientific and Technical Cooperation (COMSTECH), the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), the Institute of Dendrology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
COMSTECH Chief Coordinator, Prof. Mohammad Iqbal, delivered a speech during the event. "The international event taking place today at KazNU provides ample opportunity to discuss problematic issues in the field of biology. Climate change is one of the most discussed topics in the world in recent years. If earlier only scientists talked about it, now this issue is on the agenda of politicians of the countries of the world and becomes a subject of discussion of both representatives of business and ordinary people. Therefore, I believe it is necessary for all scientists and experts of the world to take part in solving the existing problems," said Professor Emeritus Mohammed Iqbal.
Also during the forum the executive director of COMSATS Nafes Mohammed, representative of the UN Department of Global Communications in Kazakhstan Vlastimil Samek, acting director general of the Institute of Dendrology of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Minara Hasanova, director of Astana National Laboratory Jurmahanbet Dos, professor of the Institute of Industrial Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIB CAS) Huang Jiong made speeches and discussed topical issues of the world community. In their speeches, the speakers dwelt on problematic issues in the field of biology and shared their thoughts on the negative impact of the ecosystem on the environment.

The work of the forum continued in sections. It addressed questions on such topics as: "Interdisciplinary research in the field of biophysics, biomedicine and neurology", "Actual problems of biotechnology, microbiology and bioengineering", "Fundamental and applied research in genetics and molecular biology", "Actual problems and modern principles of biodiversity research" and others.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University