Unique ecological laboratory in Central Asia opened in KazNU

27 march, 2024

Kazakhstan-China joint laboratory "Remote Sensing Technology and Applications" was opened at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The new center monitors environmental problems in the Central Asian region, such as water shortages, drought, and land degradation caused by climate change. Remote sensing technology ensures environmental security and sustainable development by warning of natural hazards in the region through remote monitoring. This, in turn, will create an international high-tech platform in resource research for Kazakhstan, China and Central Asia.

  Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Director General of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhang Yuanming, President of Xinjiang University Yao Qiang, Head of the Secretariat of the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Zhou Xuyun, scientists and teachers of KazNU, young students.

At the event, Governor of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Yerkin Tuniyaz noted that the newly opened laboratory is a vivid reflection of the ties between Kazakhstan and China on science.
"The center established today on the basis of KazNU is a vivid evidence that the relations between the two states are developing day by day. Mutually beneficial cooperation and strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China are built on a solid foundation, not on differences in political tendencies. Kazakhstan and China are close neighbors, reliable friends and strategic partners. I believe that in the future there will be systematic work to further strengthen friendly ties," said Erkin Tuniaz.
At the opening ceremony Talgat Yeshenkulov read out the congratulations of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek. "Long-term and fruitful cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in the field of science and higher education has been established. The Ministry has been actively working for the last two years to create strategic partnerships with leading universities, including universities in China. Of more than 6 thousand international agreements, 249 have been concluded with Chinese universities. Within the framework of these agreements, such projects as double-diploma education, creation of a single center, and development of academic mobility have been implemented. Most of them are implemented on the basis of Al-Farabi KazNU", - said the Vice-Minister.

In his speech, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev noted: "President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, speaking at the first Central Asia-China summit, gave an example from the United Nations data. By 2050, more than 5 billion people around the world may need drinking water. The head of state noted that "due to climate change, glaciers, which are the main source of water in our region, are also shrinking dramatically. This situation poses a serious threat to food, energy and environmental security of Central Asia. Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent measures together". Recommendations on rational use of water resources, application of effective digital approaches, introduction of new technologies in the water sector were also elaborated. Therefore, our goal is to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation in the field of rational use of natural resources and environmental studies".

The Joint Laboratory is the only natural resource monitoring center operating in Central Asia. Therefore, this laboratory will become not only a place for scientific research, but also the main hub for sustainable environmental development in Central Asia. The laboratory is located at the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of KazNU.

At the end of the event, the head of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev and General Director of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhang Yuanming signed an agreement on the launch of a joint scientific laboratory.
On the part of Al-Farabi KazNU allocated and repaired the territory of 500 square meters for the new scientific laboratory, on the part of China - 55 million tenge (about 1 million yuan), installed laboratory tools and equipment.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University