Promotion in international ratings discussed in KazNU

28 march, 2024

In the Kazakh National University at the meeting of the Academic Council discussed the progress of preparation for the participation of the university in international rankings and the results of the indicative plan for the first half of the 2023/24 academic year.

Nurbolat Kudaibergenov, Director of the Center for Strategic Development Nurbolat Kudaibergenov made a presentation on "Preparation for participation in international rankings in 2024". In the presentation he presented the current state of the university indices according to the methodology of QS WUR rating. Currently in this direction in KazNU a lot of work is carried out, in particular, there is: collection of updated lists (base) of academic and expert-employers from all departments, collection of departmental data on QS WUR indicators, their processing and uploading to the portal QS HUB, etc., as well as a number of other activities.

After the report with detailed data and analysis of the situation, there was a discussion of the issues of activation of activities to prepare for participation in international rankings, the need to take measures to eliminate gaps in the work.
In the light of the 90th anniversary of the research university the task of promotion in the QS WUR rating becomes especially important. Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev at the meeting focused attention on the work within the QS rating, instructing the Center for Strategic Development to identify the causes of gaps and eliminate them, achieving results.
Director of the Center for Strategic Development Nurbolat Kudaibergenov also reported on the results of the implementation of the indicative plan by departments and faculties for the first half of 2023/24. The speaker's presentation reflected the performance indicators of the faculties in the following areas: educational work, research and innovation activities, social and educational work, reputational assessment of academic experts and experts-employers.

At the end of the meeting, the Vice-Rectors, the Center for Sociological Research, deans and heads were given instructions. In particular, to ensure coordination of work in the relevant areas of activity in the international rankings QS WUR, QS by Subject, QS Sustainability, THE WUR, THE by Subject, THE Impact Rankings, Green Metrics, to take specific measures to fulfill the planned values of indicators of the indicative plan for the academic year 2023/24, etc.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University