“Stop HIV, tuberculosis”

30 march, 2024
03/30/2024, senior teachers of the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners Kazmagambetova A.S. and Mamytbekova L.K. was held a curatorial hour on the topic: “Stop HIV, tuberculosis” among foreign students of groups 7.9 as part of the implementation of the SDGs.

The purpose of this activity is to inform foreign students about the features and prevention of tuberculosis, ways and measures to combat it.


- to give objective information about the ways of TB transmission, TB screening, safe behavior, and opportunities to prevent infection;

- to form students' skills and measures for prevention and prophylaxis of tuberculosis infection;

- to check the level of information assimilation.

The curators-advisers told the students about tuberculosis, ways and sources of infection, factors influencing the development of the disease, as well as about serious concomitant diseases (HIV, diabetes, peptic ulcer disease and others)

At the end of the event, foreign students expressed their opinions and conclusions.