Model Dorm Room

29 march, 2024

To implement the goals of the «1.2. Clean Campus» section of the «UN Sustainable Development Goals» program, there was organized the «Model Dorm Room» competition among 2nd year students of the «History» specialty of Al-Farabi KazNU. The purpose of the competition is to encourage students to be attentive to the property of the dorm, comply with the rules and procedures for living in the dorm, and monitor the cleanliness of the interior of the premises. Based on the results of the commission’s work, the best rooms in the dormitory were recognized as: No. 10 Dormitory, rooms 308 (A) and 513 (A).

Organizers: lecturers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Duisebayeva A.I., Mensitova G.I., Zharasov A.A.