The generation that received a national upbringing, no less.

1 april, 2024

A human being is always in need of education. Education is necessary to know the present and future of our country, nation. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to determine the direction of the future of the nation, consonant with the present shape of society. Each nation has its own way to the system of upbringing going back to the modern times. Upbringing loses its qualities if it is detached from the national natural roots. The culture of our people by its national identity is sacred and honored. Therefore, reaching the pinnacle of cultural development and becoming a civilized country will be closely related to the national characteristics of the natural property, strength, being, etc. of our people.


The importance of educational and educational reflections and rituals of the Kazakh people is revealed in the following points: the importance of respect and hospitality to elders; the originality and established system of conducting folk games and holidays, deep assimilation and harmony of the mysteries of nature; will, terme, aytys, oratory; poetry of Kazakhs; kinship relations-relationships; hospitality, nobility, etc.

A gifted student needs a gifted teacher. If the teacher does not love his lessons with all his soul, he cannot give the student the right knowledge. After all, a versatile, capable generation is a priceless treasure of our nation. And the treasury of national experience and knowledge of Kazakh people is national pedagogy. The main task facing Kazakh schools today is not only to awaken and educate the national consciousness of the student, but also to instill in him the national pedagogy, centuries-old language, religion, upbringing, national traditions, role models. The correct knowledge of the foundations of national education depends on the measures that teachers carry out together with parents. Because, since the main core of national education lies in the family and the other end in the school, our main task is to work together as parents and school.

It is the task of our nation as a whole to participate in the upbringing of the modern generation, which is beginning to forget the language, history, national traditions and customs of our ancestors. It is necessary to teach to respect the treasures of our nation, traditions and culture. Conscious education of the younger generation together with quality education has not lost its relevance in any case. A person, who is not covered by spiritual education, can spend the received knowledge in favor of a black head and in his own interests bring catastrophe to mankind. His example is not so small in history. Only thanks to the rich spiritual heritage of our people, accumulated over the centuries, the upbringing of moral virtues in young people and the education of a loyal citizen of his homeland is entrusted to parents and teachers.

The effectiveness of educational work in this case is reflected in the relationship between parents and the educational institution. One of the urgent problems at present is to instill in the younger generation patriotic education, patriotism, quality knowledge, which is passed from generation to generation in the history of mankind. In fact, this problem lies in the fact that the very task of preserving the integrity of the country, its defense against internal and external forces places on the youth the education of patriotism, patriotism, patriotism. People who did not know their past, do not know what they have experienced, what they have experienced today, people sweated and suffered to create their history, traveled a narrow road, a slippery slope, defended their land and preserved their country. The sources of the feeling of patriotism include the Motherland, native land, nature, its riches, language, traditions, historical monuments, national values of the native land. National feeling - love for the nation, compassion, ability to appreciate the heritage of the people.

National education is the main way to gradually eliminate and prevent many problems occurring in our country, such as young people who do not know their native language, ancestral history, national traditions, abandoned orphans, "difficult" children, grandparents in nursing homes, young people involved in drug addiction and many others.

The generation that has received national education grows up healthy, educated, intelligent, nationalized, hardworking, polite, modest. Therefore, national education is the future of the country. In the Kazakh family the child from the very beginning spoke the language, paid special attention to the expression of uncle, uncle, atategin, clan, country. "Knowledge of seven grandfathers" was the law. Our ancestors considered it the duty of every citizen to know the history of his origin. "Knowing did not know men, seven orphaned children", "you all know that Seven sons, Seven all information about veterans", dear teachers, replace the word then, if necessary. The child himself believed that knowledge of the origin forms his civic, patriotic, patriotic qualities. As modern medical science has proved, up to seven grandfathers of daughters are not alienated, which leads to purity of blood, that is, the purity of the nation; secondly, the Kazakh generation should be united up to seven grandfathers and have solidarity.

It will be impossible to integrate training and education if we do not search a lot, focusing on knowledge, extolling our national value, our noble heritage, the indelible legacy of the past centuries. We are confident that through tireless work combining the two, a nurtured learning personality will be formed.

Gulzhan Asanovna,

Senior Lecturer,

Faculty of Pre-University Education