Actual problems of legal regulation in the field of personal subsidiary farming and gardening: prospects and solutions

4 april, 2024

In the framework of UN Sustainable Development Goals No. 11, Associate Professor of the Department of "Customs, Finance and Environmental Law" of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, candidate of legal sciences Kuandykov Kaldarbek Zhunisbayuly, organized by the Institute of Parliamentarism at the Presidential Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the round table on the topical issues of legal regulation: prospects and solutions. Deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of state bodies, leading scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of public organizations took part in the round table. The round table discussed the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Private Sub-Farming". This law defines the legal, organizational and economic bases of the activities of private sub-farms, the principles and mechanisms of state regulation and support of their activities. Private farm is a type of activity designed to satisfy one's own needs on a plot of land located in rural areas and suburban areas. The participants of the round table unanimously noted that the law "On Private Subsidiary Farming" is necessary for society and that it makes a significant contribution to ensuring food security of the population living in settlements.