Human value

5 april, 2024

On April 3, 2024 at 16:00, in meeting room 233 of the Higher School of Economics and Business, an educational event was held on the topic “Human Values” based on the social component of the SDGs (SDG 4, SDG 10, SDG 16), the event was organized by teachers from the Department of Economics Doctor of Economics, Acting prof. Daulieva G.R., Doctor of Economics Assoc. Andabayeva G.K., Doctor of Economics senior teacher Turarov D.R., senior teacher, group adviser Kuliev I.U. and students of group E22K1. The purpose of this event is to clearly show our youth that human value consists of “Quality Life”, “Humanity, Conscience” through the thoughts of the great historical figures of our people, Al-Farabi, Khoja Akhmet Yasawi, Abay, Shakarim.