Good health and well-being

6 april, 2024

Within the framework of the UN SDG- 3, good health and well-being under the guidance of senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law A.M. Biskultanova, students of Group 104 of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University actively spend time being an example of a healthy lifestyle!
On weekends, they gather at the workshop site in front of the 18th dormitory of the Faculty of Law on the campus of al-Farabi Kazakh National University to exercise and maintain their health. This is not only a great way to spend time with friends, but also an opportunity to strengthen your body and spirit.
Moreover, the students of group 104 are active fighters against tobacco smoking, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Their efforts are aimed not only at their own health, but also at taking care of the health of society as a whole.
May their example inspire us all to strive for a healthy lifestyle and fight bad habits, making our world a better and healthier place for everyone!