Dyusembin Khabdrakhman Dyusembievich

6 april, 2024

Founder of physiological research in the field of human and animal lactation in Kazakhstan, physiologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1970), professor (1985), academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003), International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (1994), Academy of Preventive Medicine of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996). Head of the Laboratory of Physiology of Lactation at the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1970-1981), Head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirova (1981-1990), vice-president of the Kazakhstan Physiological Society (1992), advisor to the International Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) and president of the Kazakhstan branch (1999), Director of the Institute of Physiology (1990-2003), Honorary Director of the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the Center for Biological Research of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2005). For successful research work and social activities, he was awarded diplomas from the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR (1971, 1976, 1977) and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991), the medal “Veteran of Labor” (1980), the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR for many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the founding of Kazakh State University (1984). Born on October 15, 1931 in the village. Ushkol Pavlodar region. In 1937-1946. – student of the Zhanatalap and Tavolzhan rural schools of the Lozovsky (Uspensky) district of the Pavlodar region, in 1946-1948. – student at the Pavlodar Pedagogical College. In 1948 he entered the Faculty of Biology and Soils of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov and completed his studies in 1953. As a student, I listened to lectures by famous experts - M.F. Avazbakieva, T.B. Darkanbaeva, F.Kh. Khalilova, N.L. Udolskaya, N.Z. Khusainova, was interested in the most important problems of biology. In the 3rd year, he makes a presentation at a student scientific conference on the topic “The philosophical significance of the teachings of I.P. Pavlova", thereby attracting the attention of his mentors, and subsequently chose a specialization in human and animal physiology. From then to the present time he has remained faithful to his chosen specialty. H. Dyusembin in 1953 entered graduate school at the Leningrad Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlova. This research institute was a Mecca for physiologists around the world. Here the young researcher with particular interest gets acquainted with the soundproof chamber where I.P. himself conducted the experiment. Pavlov is a Nobel Prize laureate. Meetings with famous academicians K.M. Bykov,  E.M. Kreps left indelible impressions, especially speeches and reports on neurophysiology by academicians L.A. Orbeli and P.K. Anokhin, who spoke English fluently. In the laboratory of Professor I.A. Baryshnikov under the guidance of Doctor of Biological Sciences G.B. Tverskoy Khabdrakhman Dyusembin successfully completed his dissertation work on the topic “Reflex inhibition of milk flow.

In 1956, after graduating from graduate school, he returned to Alma-Ata and went to work at the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Main scientific researches of H.D. Dyusembina are aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of neurohormonal regulation of lactation. He proved the role of efferent nerves and catecholamines in inhibiting the milk ejection reflex and developed measures to combat and prevent hypogalactia. Based on the research results, he proposed a theory of inhibition and stimulation of milk flow, which was approved by specialists in Russia and Europe (Zacks, Cross and others). These serious studies formed the basis for his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Patterns of milk formation and milk flow in mares and some species of ruminants” (1970). For the first time, in order to increase the production of the national drink kumys, the scientist took up the development of technology for machine milking of mares. Together with the Moscow Research Institute, experimental milking machines “Temp”, “Stimul” and “DA-3M” were manufactured and tested in practice for the first time, and were successfully introduced at the Kamensky state farm, the Alma-Ata collective farm and the T. Ryskulov collective farm. Alma, Ata region. The main scientific works were created by Kh.D. Dyusembin in the field of studying the mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of lactation in women and female animals. The results of these studies made it possible to summarize the data obtained and show the neurophysiological features of the lactation process. He developed theoretical principles about the features of stimulation and inhibition of lactation. Author of more than 250 scientific works, including five monographs, more than 10 textbooks, teaching aids, and methodological recommendations for university students. In collaboration with academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.U. Bazanova created major monographs “Function of the mammary gland in farm animals” and “Stimulation of milk production in animals”, which are the main books on the physiology of lactation, reference books for students, graduate students and researchers. Khabdrakhman Dyusembievich is the author of such monographs as “Inhibition and stimulation of lactation”, “Hypogalactia”, “Physiology of the central nervous system and internal nervous system”. Under his leadership, major textbooks and teaching aids for students of biological and medical profiles “Zhaska sai physiology zhane valeology”, “Ortalyk zhuyke zhuyesi zhane zhogary zhuyke areketinin physiology”, “Nareste physiology” and others were published. Some materials of his research were included in the all-Union textbook “Physiology of Farm Animals” (M., 1980) and in the “Guide to the Physiology of Lactation” (M.-L., 1973). A great contribution to the development of the physiological school on lactation in Kazakhstan was the many years of organizational work of Kh.D. Dyusembina as director of the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of Kazakh State University, head of the Laboratory of Lactation Physiology of the Institute of Human and Animal Physiology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was able to direct the work of scientific and university teams towards specific decisions concerning the physiology of lactation in humans and animals. Under his leadership, about 20 candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended. Khabdrakhman Dyusembievich is full of strength and energy, actively conducts scientific research, gives lectures to students of the Faculty of Biology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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