psychological training seminar on the topic "Training as a method of educating the public"

9 april, 2024

Аs part of the implementation of paragraph 4 of the SDG "quality education" and the jubilee cycle of events "90 years-90 events" of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law on the eve of the anniversary of the University, senior lecturer of the Department Daubasova S.Sh. with the participation of students of the 3rd, 4th courses in educational programs "6B12301 – Law Enforcement activity" and "6B04205 – Jurisprudence" conducted a psychological training seminar on the topic "Training as a method of educating the public." Training is a form of interactive learning involving the development of competencies in professional and personal communication. Today, the field of psychology is expanding somewhat. In matters of upbringing, development and education of students in higher educational institutions, the family and the teacher should be in close cooperation. The main purpose of the education system is the training, upbringing, and development of the student. These goals are productive only when they are in close cooperation. At today's trainings, a diagnostic method was used that determines the level of development of the psychological specificity of the student, and on its basis there were opportunities for carrying out a large number of works with the help of training, games and elements of art therapy. Group work at the training made it possible to increase the activity of students, develop partnerships, and look through the eyes of other people. Through the Training, the interaction between the teacher and the students is strengthened. Another useful aspect of the training is that high-level communication, that is, the emergence of an atmosphere of freedom and riskiness of conversation, contributes to the implementation of SDG 4 "quality education". The purpose of the psychological seminar training is to use interactive methods to lead the student to the development, upbringing, rational use of learning abilities, integration, self-improvement, adaptation to the environment.