A thousand bows to your feat

12 april, 2024

08.04.2024 by the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, members of the Adilet club, students of 408 groups within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals "Institutes of quality education" in a special audience of Baitasov Gaziz Abdibekovich, a lecture was given by Professor G. M. Atakhanova.

The purpose of the lecture: popularization of Baitasov Gaziz Abdibekovich, who was awarded the title of People's Kakharman of Kazakhstan on November 12, 2011 for this heroic feat, for covering his body, not allowing him to throw a grenade into the hands of a criminal towards the people. It was said that the civic duty of every younger generation is to protect the country.