Decent work and economic growth

15 april, 2024

In the modern world, the issue of ensuring decent work and achieving economic growth is becoming more relevant and urgent. The security of a permanent job and economic independence in our society and state creates household comfort in the family. Considering that the issue of decent wages and employment is also important among students, a curatorial time on the theme of the «SDGs  Decent work and economic growth» was held in a Kazakh group 2nd year students department specializing «Public Health»  on 1.04.24


Decent work is not limited to the mere availability of employment; it is a concept that affects various aspects of human life and society as a whole. Economic growth, in turn, serves as the foundation for the prosperity of the country and its citizens. In this essay, I discussed the relationship between decent work and economic growth, as well as their importance for the development of modern society, using the example of Kazakhstan.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that "decent work" means not only wages, but also social guarantees, working conditions, opportunities for professional and personal development. In the context of the modern economy, where market relations play a key role, there is a need to create a balanced system that would take into account the interests of employees and employers.

Economic growth, in turn, not only contributes to an increase in the total income of the population, but also creates new opportunities for employment, investment and business development. Sustained economic growth contributes to improving infrastructure, improving living standards, and reducing unemployment and poverty. It is important to note that economic growth should be inclusive, that is, ensure equal opportunities for all segments of society.

Using the example of Kazakhstan, one can see how important the pursuit of decent work and economic growth is to ensure the sustainable development of the country. In recent decades, Kazakhstan has been actively developing, striving to modernize the economy, improve the investment climate and diversify production. The Government of Kazakhstan is pursuing a targeted policy to create favorable conditions for business and attract foreign investment. This, in turn, contributes to the creation of new jobs and an increase in the standard of living of citizens. However, despite all the achievements, the country faces new challenges and tasks. It is important to continue working to improve working conditions, protect workers' rights, develop education and train qualified personnel. This is necessary in order to ensure sustainable and inclusive economic growth that would benefit the entire society.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that decent work and economic growth are integral components of the process of socio-economic development. Their interrelationship and importance for modern society are undeniable. Only through the joint efforts of the State, business and citizens can a sustainable and prosperous future be ensured for all members of society.

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