ANNUAL REPUBLICAN CONTEST OF students’ scientific research work
NAO "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" as a basic university for conducting the annual Republican competition of students' research works in natural, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on a letter from the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 14-0/1420-vn dated April 1, 2024 informs about the beginning of the acceptance of tender documentation for the II stage.
Completed works must be submitted in a timely manner to:.
- a document (marked "For the Republican competition of scientific papers") addressed to: 050040, Almaty, 71 Al-Farabi Ave., RSE "KazNU named after al-Farabi"
- electronic media, e-mail:
The deadline for submission of competitive works is April 29, 2024, in accordance with the requirements of the "Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the annual competition of research works by students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
For more information, please call: 8(727) 3773333, 11-62
1. Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the annual competition of scientific research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The list of educational and methodological sections by groups of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.рекомендации+НИРС+2024.docxПеречень ОП конкурса НИРС на 2024 год.pdf