Global health issues discussed at KazNU

16 april, 2024

The ІІ conference of the Eurasian Academic Alliance for Global Health "Strengthening Human Resources for Global Health in the Eurasian Region" is being held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The conference brought together more than 150 health and public health professionals, including global health experts, members of the Eurasian Academic Alliance for Global Health, faculty members and students from the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Astana Medical University.

The participants of the event were welcomed by Yerkin Duisenov, Member of the Board - Vice Rector for Operations. "Healthcare is the basis of human existence. In difficult periods of history, it was doctors who came to people's aid, so the issues of professional training of medical personnel are more relevant today than ever. In spite of the fact that we have started to train medical personnel relatively recently, we have already achieved success and recognition. This year, our Medical Faculty became the only one among the faculties of Kazakhstan's universities to enter the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 with an index of 601-650 in the specialty "Medicine". This is a great achievement for our medical scientists and students", - emphasized Erkin Ermanovich.

The plenary session was also addressed by Olaf Horstik Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Academic Alliance for Global Health, Anar Mukhtarova, Head of the Center for Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Massimo Pignatelli, Dean of the NU School of Medicine, Vitali Koikov, Vice Rector of the Medical University of Astana.

Within the framework of the event, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between Al-Farabi KazNU and Nazarbayev University to develop mutually beneficial partnership in the field of academic mobility of teachers, scientific staff, students of bachelor, master and doctoral programs, implementation of joint educational programs, publications and research projects.


The work of the conference continued in the form of breakout sessions, which discussed topical issues, including: opportunities for creating a global public health workforce in the Eurasian region, strengthening human resources for global health security, case studies of effective use of public health workforce in the Eurasian region, as well as global health issues in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The reports at the conference were presented by leading specialists in the field of global health, scientists, experts from more than 20 countries of the world.

The conference will include round tables on various topics, as well as a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian Academic Alliance for Global Health.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University