New areas of partnership for KazNU and RSHU

17 april, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev within the framework of his working visit to the Russian Federation held a meeting with the Rector of the Russian State University for Humanities Alexander Bezborodov.


During the meeting the parties discussed the issues of scientific directions of the partnership.

Alexander Bezborodov told about the activities and plans of the university and emphasized the strategic importance of further strengthening of cooperation between KazNU and the Russian State University for the Humanities.

"Our side is always ready to develop joint scientific and educational projects, exchange experience and expand academic mobility", - said Alexander Bezborodov.

The Russian State University for the Humanities is one of Russia's leading universities in the humanitarian and social sphere. The educational institution, opened in 1930, today has more than 25 thousand students. At present the university has 11 institutes, 18 faculties, 8 laboratories and 50 departments.

In turn, the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev thanked Alexander Bezborodov for his attention and made a number of suggestions.

"Our university pays special attention to science. We are ready for further development of partnership with Russian universities in the field of education and science. So far, KazNU and RSUHU have done a lot of joint work in this area, but we need to intensify it. Academic mobility allows to establish close friendly relations between universities. This is one of the priority directions of activity of KazNU. The program of academic mobility promotes the exchange of experience among students and teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify work in this direction", - said the rector.

After the meeting the delegation of Al-Farabi KazNU got acquainted with the scientific infrastructure of the Russian State University for Humanities, visited laboratories, academic buildings and museum.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University