Laureate of the Prize named after academician K.I.Satpayev in the field of natural sciences (2003), laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after al-Farabi in the field of science and technology in 2015 for a series of works on the topic “Development of methods and technologies of space science for the formation of the space industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Full member of the International Academy of Communications and the International Academy of Informatization, corresponding member of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Daulet Akhmedov was born on June 3, 1959 in Alma-Ata. In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University.
In 1984-1991 – software engineer, leading engineer, senior engineer, head of the robotics laboratory of Kazakh State University.
In 1991-1992 – senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.
In 1992-1993 – senior researcher at the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering.
In 1993-2000 – senior researcher at the Institute of Mining.
In 2000-2001 – chief engineer, head of the software development department of the design institute “Kazgiprozheldortrans”.
In 2001-2005 – head of the laboratory for automation of control and planning of open-pit mining, head of the department of economics and automation of open-pit mining, deputy director for automation of scientific and technical work of the D.A.Kunaev Institute of Mining.
In 2005-2007 – Deputy Director of the Department of Satellite Systems of JSC National Company “Kazcosmos”.
In 2007-2008 – Director of the scientific and production association.
In 2008-2009 – Director of the Department of Space Technology and Technology of JSC National Center for Space Research and Technology of the National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2009 to the present - Director of the Institute of Space Engineering and Technology of JSC National Center for Space Research and Technology of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.02.18 – Theory of mechanisms and machines on the topic “Methods and algorithms for automated analysis of structure, kinematics and statics and synthesis of high-class mechanisms” (1990). Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialties 25.00.35 – Geoinformatics and 25.00.22 – Geotechnology on the topic “Development of scientific and methodological foundations for object-oriented analysis of geotechnical systems in quarries” (2004).
Author of over 190 published works and six patents.