18 april, 2024

Born on October 21, 1956 in Alma-Ata. Graduated from Kazakh State University named S. M. Kirov, mathematician, Doctor of Economics.

After graduating from the institute, she worked as an economist, junior, senior researcher, head of department, deputy director of the Research Institute of Economics and Market Relations under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1978-93); Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Policy of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1993-94); Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1994-95); from January 1995 – Head of the Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from November 1995 – First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Head of the Center for Economic Reforms under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995; 04.1997-1999); Vice Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, First Vice Minister of Finance (1997); Vice President of OJSC “Kazakhtelecom” (12.1999-05.2000); Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (05.2000-06.2001); Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (06.2001-12.2001); Head of the company “Sana Consulting” (12.2001-07.2003); First Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition (07.2003-07.2004); Managing Director for Corporate Development of JSC NC “KazMunayGas” (12.2004-2005); Chairman of the Governing Council of the Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan (07.2005-2007); Deputy Chairman of the Board of “Kazyna Sustainable Development Fund” JSC (06.2007-09.2007); Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (09.2013-09.2015); Director of the magazine “Expert Kazakhstan” (10.2015).

Other positions: Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC “National Analytical Center under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; Chairman of the Management Council of the Association of Taxpayers of Kazakhstan (since 01.2006 – Member of the Board of Directors of the Fund for Sustainable Development “Kazyna” JSC (02.2007); Freelance Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (02.2007); Independent Director – Member of the Board of Directors of “Embamunaigas” JSC (from 13.04. 2016); Chairman of the Council of the Association of Legal Entities “Association for the Development of Competition and Commodity Markets”; Member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan for consideration of issues of application of administrative, investment and other branches of legislation (01/19/2018, 01/18/2019, 05/02. 2020, 01/26/2021, from 04/21/2022) State and international awards, prizes, honorary titles: Medal “30 years of the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (11.2023). She is the author of more than fifty scientific works.


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