19 april, 2024

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, famous public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007). Born on December 17, 1954 in the village Koitas, Samara district, East Kazakhstan region. After graduating from the Karatkul eight-year school, he graduated from secondary school №3 in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

In 1971 K.Zakiryanov entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Kazakh State University named S.M.Kirov, graduated from the university in 1976 in the department of algebra and number theory. In the same year, he entered graduate school and was seconded to the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1986, he defended his thesis on the topic “On the numerical characteristics of linear groups over rings of algebraic numbers.”

From 1979 to 1995, K.Zakiryanov worked at East Kazakhstan State University, where he went through all stages of his career, starting from assistant to rector. In 1995, K.Zakiryanov was appointed deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region and at the end of the same year – head of the sector of the internal policy department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of introducing the Western model of education in Kazakhstan.

Since 1998, he has headed the only sports university in Kazakhstan – the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.

K.Zakiryanov is an academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, as well as an academician of the Petrine Academy of Sciences and Arts, founded by Peter the Great. K.Zakiryanov is interested in history, he wrote the book “The Turkic Saga of Genghis Khan. The secret tale of the Kazakhs."

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