19 april, 2024

Born on July 5, 1958 in Zharkent, Alma-Ata region.

Sh.Khakhazov graduated from Kazakh State University named S.M.Kirov (1980), Almaty Institute of National Economy with a degree in “National Economy Planning” (1998), Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy named L.B.Goncharov with a degree in Transport Construction and the Humanitarian University of Transport and Law named D.A.Kunaev, majoring in “Bridges and Tunnels”.

Labor activity of Sh. Khakhazov started in 1980 as a mathematics teacher at a secondary school named Lunacharsky city of Panfilov Taldy-Kurgan region.

In 1980-1985 – instructor of the organizational department, head of the department of defense-mass and sports work, head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Panfilov RK Komsomol apparatus.

In 1985-1987 – Head of the RCS “Kazremstroybyt”, in 1987-1990 – instructor of the Panfilov district committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, in 1990-1991 – Chairman of the party commission of the Panfilov district committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.

In 1991-1997 – Director of the brick factory of the “Panfilovkolkhozstroy” trust, in 1997-2002 – Deputy Director of “ZAAIR” LLP (construction company).

In 2002-2004 – Director of “Ai Bi” LLP (construction company). From February to November 2004 – Deputy Director for Production of “AlmatyGorRemStroyKontrakt” LLP. In 2004-2016 – General Director of “OSK-Stroyservice” LLP.

In 2012, Sh.Khakhazov was elected as a deputy of the Maslikhat of Astana of the fifth convocation, a member of the standing commission on construction, ecology, transport, trade and housing and communal services.

Member of the board of the public organization “Association of Dungan Ethnocultural Centers”, member of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Sh.Khakhazov was elected on March 24, 2016 as a deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the VI convocation.

By the decrees of the head of state Sh.Khakhazov was awarded the orders “Kurmet” (2009) and “Dostyk” of the 2nd degree, anniversary medals “Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan 20 years” (2011), “Kazakhstan Republic Assembly 20 years” l", "Kazakhstan maslikhattaryn 20 years". He has a Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015) and a gold medal “Birlik” from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan for his significant contribution to strengthening Independence, national unity, the development of intercultural dialogue and nurturing Kazakhstani patriotism.

Laureate of the honorary prize “European Grant” (2010) of the International Business Council and the Geneva Institute of Business and Management INSAM. Shakir Khakhazov’s awards also include the INSAM International Gold Medal for an impeccable business reputation (2009) and the “Saup” medal for charity.

Sh.Khakhazov was awarded the titles “Honorary Citizen of the Panfilov District” and “Honorary Builder of Kazakhstan” (2009).

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