SDG 4 - Quality education

16 april, 2024

16 April  2024 from 14:00 to 15:00 on the platform ZOOM held Webinars for faculty members of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law in preparation for the spring session of 2023-2024 academic year, as well as to clarify the forms and platforms of the final control at the session, organised by the Head of the Department, Prof. Kuanalieva G.A. and Deputy Head of the Department of UM&WR Associate Professor Ashiralieva B.S., where the chairman of the Academic Committee on the quality of learning and teaching of the Faculty of Law Urisbaeva A.A. took part. During the webinars the provisions of the Order №26 "On the terms and rules of the spring session of the 2023-2024 academic year" were explained. The content of the Methodological Guidelines on the forms of the final examination at the Faculty of Law in the framework of the spring session was discussed. The information of the member of the Academic Committee on the quality of learning and teaching Esekeeva A.A. on the approval of the forms and platforms of the final control on the disciplines of the department was heard.