Farabi University

KazNU will host a round table dedicated to the World Day for the Protection of Workers

23 april

Dear teachers and students!

We invite you to a round table dedicated to the "World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024", which will be held on April 23, 2024 at 11:00 (GTM +5, Almaty)! The topic of the round table was “The Impact of Climate Change on Occupational Safety and Health”. The event will be attended by teachers, students, chief occupational safety specialists of industrial enterprises, as well as special guests from Canada and Turkey in an online format.

We dedicate the round table to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University!


AL-FARABI Library, 3rd floor, hall №303

ZOOM connection link:


Conference ID: 894 3599 6545

Access code: 328768

Organizers: Head of the pedagogical practice of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences Kozhakhan A. K., 1st year Master’s students of the specialty "7M11201-Life safety and environmental Protection".

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In Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host the International Research Forum

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