
19 april, 2024

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education/ Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences/

Born on 21 May 1942 in Almaty. Entered Faculty of Chemistry, S.M. Kirov KazSU in 1960. After graduation in 1965, he worked as an intern, graduate student, then as a junior researcher of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Head of the Research Sector of KazSU (1972-1983), Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry (1983-1987; 1995-2000). In February 1988, he was elected Rector of the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology, where he worked for 4 years and returned to KazSU. From 1993 to 2009, he was headed by the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry of Rare Elements.

In 1970, under the guidance of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR M.T. Kozlovsky and Professor V. P. Gladyshev, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The influence of surfactants on the processes of metal reduction on mercury and amalgam electrodes" on the specialties 02.00.05 - electrochemistry and 02.00.02 - analytical chemistry, and in 1992. Doctoral dissertation on the theme: "Development of scientific bases of chemical and electrochemical methods of metal separation with the use of surface-active substances" in specialties 05.17.01 - technology of inorganic substances and 05.17.03 - electrochemical production. In 1992, he received the title of a professor.

M. K. Nauryzbaev is a well-known scientist in the fields of analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, and chemical technology for non-ferrous and rare metals. He is also engaged in environmental and ecological problems. He organized in Kazakhstan a new scientific direction - control of electrochemical processes in multicomponent systems in order to obtain pure metals, improve technologies in hydrometallurgy and electroplating. Nauryzbaev and his students developed technologies for the electrochemical production of pure metals (copper, zinc, cadmium, and thallium) and new electrolytes for obtaining electrolytic coatings with non-ferrous metals. The copper refining technology developed by them was introduced at Zhezkazgan and Balkhash mining and smelting plants, and the technology of zinc electroextraction at the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant.

A special merit of M.K. Nauryzbaev is the organization in 1994 of the Center of Physical-Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis (CPCMA), whose tasks include scientific research, development of new methods of analysis, development of chemical technologies for obtaining organic and inorganic substances, as well as training and retraining (advanced training) of chemists-analysts of enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He is the author of more than 800 works, including more than 300 scientific articles, more than 100 patents for invention, and more than 20 textbooks. He has published more than 70 articles in journals indexed in Web of Science. Under his supervision, he defended six doctoral dissertations, 38 candidate theses, and nine doctors of philosophy (PhD).

Recognition of scientific merits of M.K.Nauryzbayev is the awarding in 2005 of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education for the work "Complex of scientific-technological and information-analytical works that provided Kazakhstan's entry into the world market of high-tech products - the market of stable isotopes". Repeat the recipient of the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made significant contributions to the development of science and technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2011. Nauryzbayev M.K. was elected a full member of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For success in scientific and pedagogical activities, M.K. Nauryzbayev was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" (1984), the order "Kurmet" (2014), the gold medal of Al-Farabi NAEN RK (2015), elected Honorary Academician of NAS RK (2014).