KazNU archaeologists published a monograph on forensic archaeology

25 april, 2024

The Faculty of History of Al-Farabi KazNU together with the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Esik" presented a collective monograph "Archaeological verification and historical identification of remains of victims of political repression in the village of Zhanalyk, Almaty region: interdisciplinary research".


The event took place in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Director of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum "Yesik", candidate of historical sciences Gulmira Mukhtarova gave a welcoming speech and thanked the scientists who participated in the publication of the monograph.

The Dean of the Faculty of History, the head of this project, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dosbol Baigunakov acquainted the audience with the work carried out at the PCF, showed archaeological facts from the excavation sites, about the finds, noted some historical moments. According to him, the collective monograph is based on the scientific research of archaeologists, historians, archivists, criminologists, forensic experts, geneticists, including field (archaeological), archival and laboratory research, as well as memories and other materials of victims of repressions.

Dr. Gulnur Yunusova, Director of the Institute of Genetics and Physiology, reported on the results of genetic analyses of repressed citizens, on the basis of which a database will be created. According to Zholdasbek Kurmankulov, the Corypheus of Kazakh archaeology, this type of scientific research is being carried out for the first time in domestic archaeology and has a huge potential, as in all regions of the country can be found burials of the Brotherhood. He also said that he was glad that for the first time archaeologists of the university have initiated a new direction in the national historiography - forensic archaeology. He was supported by many present. The member of the working group of the State Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of the Victims of Political Repression, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saule Zhakisheva noted in her speech that it is safe to say that the author's team worked hard and as a result of their work there appeared a new direction not only in archaeology, but also in anthropology, i.e. forensic anthropology. These two directions are closely connected and can be developed in parallel for the benefit of historical science of Kazakhstan. The present scientists, citizens and descendants of the oppressed thanked the author's team. 

The meeting was also attended by the director of the Central State Archive of Kazakhstan Sabit Shildebay, president of the fund for the study of the heritage of repressed intellectuals of Kazakhstan "Arys" Garifolla Anes. Speakers noted the special value of the new monograph.

The collective monograph released in the publishing house "Liber", is a book with an additional interactive application (QR code), contains: audio materials about the goals and objectives of the program, scientific novelty and significance, etc.; results of genetic analyses of repressed citizens (about 50 people); videos about repression in Kazakhstan, the work done by specialists, etc.

The publication is addressed to scientists and researchers dealing with the problems of the history of the twentieth century, university teachers, young scientists, postgraduate students, masters students and university students, teachers and students of secondary educational institutions.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University