Children are the future of the country: main conclusions of the conference

25 april, 2024


 April 25, 2024 at the Faculty of Law, Research Center "Legal Support for Innovative Development of Kazakhstan", Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Labor Law of the Kazakh State National University named after Al-Farabi held the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference on "National and International Aspects of the Protection of Children's Rights", dedicated to the scientific and pedagogical activity of Doctor of Law, Amirkhanova (Romankova) Irina Viktorovna and the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh State National University named after Al-Farabi.
    The format of the event was diverse, providing both offline and online participation. Reports of representatives from various countries Republic of Uzbekistan Samarkand University named after S. Rashidov, MGNU named after Sh. Sh. Rashidov, O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy, Russia; Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Osh State University gave participants an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the experience and practice of other states in the field of child rights protection.  
     The conference was actively attended by practitioners: lawyers, mediators, social service workers, notaries, who daily face real problems related to children's rights and family relations.  
In addition, the conference touched upon a wide range of problems, including not only children's rights, but also family legal relations in general. Issues of public interest were discussed and solutions sought.
Issues raised included the recognition of children as subjects of law and the need to ensure their fundamental rights and freedoms in accordance with international standards and national legislation; the problems of violence against children, including domestic violence, sexual exploitation and child labour, and measures to prevent and combat these phenomena were considered. The issue of guaranteeing access to quality education and knowledge for all children, regardless of their social status, race, gender or physical characteristics, was discussed. One important aspect of the discussion was the role of juvenile justice in preventing delinquent behavior among children and adolescents.

      Within the framework of the conference, the notary of Almaty city, Kanagatova P.D., established two sponsored scholarships for students of the Faculty of Law. The first scholarship, in the amount of 50,000 tenge, was given to the first year student - Aldari K.K., who distinguished himself by excellent studies. The second scholarship, also in the amount of 50 000 tenge, was given to the third year student - Karibaeva G.F. 
    The conference became a platform for continuous discussion and exchange of experience in the field of protection of children's rights, but also an important step towards the development of modern and effective strategies to protect and support each child.      Summarizing the results, we express our gratitude to all conference participants for their valuable contribution to this dialogue and hope that the results of our discussions will help to make the world a safer and fairer place for all children.