Roundtable on the topic  “Water is the source of life”!

26 april, 2024

04.25.2024 at 15:00 by 2nd year students Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Faculty of Oriental Studies, Turksoy, the event “Water is the source of life” was organized within the framework of section 6 of the “Sustainable Development Goals”. At the event, students showed how important water is to our lives and the planet through presentations, interviews, refreshing games and videos. Also, the guests were given photo cards with ways to save water, songs were sung live and they were performed on musical instruments. The guests expressed their gratitude and expressed their appreciation for the discussion of the most pressing topics of our time and the ingenuity of the students.

                                                                                                   A. Zh. Nazarova, curator-adviser

                                                                                     Department of Turksoy Faculty of Oriental Studies