An open educational session dedicated to SDG 13 - the problem of gender inequality was held at the Department of the Far East

26 april, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, senior lecturer of the Far East Department B. Tashkenbaeva and 1st year Master's students conducted an open hour in the format of an interview with students about one of the topical topics - gender inequality.

An important topic was discussed with students not only to understand different cultural contexts, but also to raise awareness of gender dynamics in society. The importance of women in South Korea and Kazakhstan, which have rich historical traditions and contemporary challenges, was examined. Despite the differences in cultural traditions and social conditions in South Korea and Kazakhstan, both countries face similar challenges in the area of gender equality. Finally, after the case games with the students, it was discussed that understanding the value of women in society is important not only for justice and equality, but also for creating a just and prosperous society as a whole.