Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Central Asian Region: Experience and Prospects

26 april, 2024

On April 25, 2024, the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology hosted an important leadership lecture aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG 13 - combating climate change. The event focused on “Regional Downscaling Partnership for the CORDEX 8 (Central Asia) Region” and was held as part of the initial phase of work to integrate NWSC (NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center) supercomputing resources with ongoing academic research and societal needs for better climate change decision-making in the Central Asia region.

Lecturers - Dr. Stefan Rahimi and Dr. Callie Berman from the University of Wyoming, USA, in their presentation shared their knowledge and experience in climate change adaptation strategies that directly contribute to SDG 13. They presented practical aspects of integrating social and governance needs with biophysical and empirical data to refine future climate change scenarios.

During the event, participants discussed various aspects of the regional downscaling partnership for the CORDEX 8 region (Central Asia) and its impact on climate change adaptation and resilience strategies, which directly contributes to SDG 13.

We express our sincere gratitude to the lecturers for their valuable knowledge and participation in this event, and we would like to express our gratitude to all those present for their active participation and interest in the topics discussed, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals.