Berdibay Azamat RakhmankulovichFarabi University

Berdibay Azamat Rakhmankulovich

30 april, 2024

The status of a university is measured by the achievements of its graduates. Therefore, it is quite natural that the existence of any institution that educates students is recognized only by its graduates. The Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University, as the name suggests, trains specialists related to Oriental languages. Graduates who have mastered the specialty within the walls of this faculty not only speak the language, but are also highly qualified specialists with comprehensive knowledge that meets modern requirements.

They strive for both scientific work, pedagogy, and public service. One of the students is Azamat Rakhmankulovich Berdibay.  Azamat Berdibay is not only a talented student in learning Arabic, but also a person who is responsible and enthusiastic about every task. Among the authoritative teachers of the faculty: A. B. Derbisali, M. N. Mazhenova, G. R. Ramazanova, G. E. Nadirova, who taught him, contributed to the development of knowledge and passion for the Arabic language. The education received during the student period strengthened him and became the basis for becoming a spiritually versatile person. As a result, Azamat shows activity and responsibility in every case. Due to his activity in his studies, the university held a language internship in Tunisia in 1985-1986. This especially contributed to the fact that he became a qualified specialist, honing his language skills, returning from language training, he continued his studies at the university and received a university diploma in 1987. After completing his studies in the state direction, he worked as a teacher at school No. 45 in Almaty from 1987 to 1988. Pedagogical skills in teaching Arabic to teenagers, work in positions corresponding to the title of teacher. In 1988-1990, he served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, served his military duty to the Motherland with honor. In the performance of military duty, a citizen, using his language skills, worked as an officer translator. After returning from the army in 1990-1992, he worked as an assistant at the Arabic Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Despite his youth, thanks to his dedication and responsibility, Azamat became the deputy dean of the Faculty for academic affairs. At this time, his organizational, dedicated qualities are being honed.

 During the period of independence of our people, during the manifestation of sovereignty, the authority of our country, there was a need for international cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a separate republic. Having declared its statehood, Kazakhstan began work on opening its embassies in all corners of the world. At that time, citizens who speak the language, carry out the assigned task, and are able to show Kazakhstan to the whole world began to be involved in public works. One of these personalities is A. Berdibai, at the request of time, was called up to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Does not working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mean not only the honor of a person's personality, but also the assignment of true civic responsibility to him as a representative of the whole people!?

Despite this difficulty and responsibility, Azamat Berdibai probably firmly believed in his personality, in his knowledge.

In 1992-1996, he was promoted to First Secretary from the position of Third Secretary of the Middle East and Africa Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1996, Azamat Berdibay was assigned to serve as the First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Azamat, distinguished by his skills, deep knowledge and dedication, held this position for about three years. Upon his return in 1999-2002, he worked as the head of the Department of Bilateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this high career, Azamat Berdibai showed enthusiasm in his work and showed that he could hold responsible positions. As a result, in 2002 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Asia, Middle East and Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2002-2006, he was appointed Acting Advisor-Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thanks to his command of the Arabic language and in this position, Azamat Rahmankulovich demonstrates his competence and ability to lead diplomatic work. In 2006-2007, he received the status of Consul General in the city of Dubai, subordinate to the United Arab Emirates. Since April 2007, Berdibai Azamat Rahmankulovich has been the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the State of Qatar.

The work of Azamat, who linked his choice with the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in Arabic, will undoubtedly arouse interest. As a result of the education Azamat Berdibay received at the university, he traveled a lot around the countries, held high positions, had the honor to be a representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan – it is a great honor and pride for us.