SDG 9: Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure

2 may, 2024

Today, 1st year students of specialty 6B07113 - intelligent control system and curator Ormanbekova A. A. conducted a curatorial hour on the topic: SDG 9: Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure.
We started the conversation with what industrialization, innovation and infrastructure mean for our future. The students were excited about the idea of ​​how these aspects could make our world a better place.
One of the key points we discussed is the importance of infrastructure. We talked about how a well-developed transport and communications infrastructure can improve our lives and promote economic growth.
Next we moved on to the topic of innovation. Students shared their ideas on how new technologies and scientific discoveries can change the world for the better. We discussed the importance of scientific and technological progress and its role in solving global problems.
Finally, we discussed how industrialization affects our lives. We talked about industry, how it creates new jobs and stimulates economic growth.
This lesson was an important step for us in understanding how we can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We are inspired and ready to take on the challenges of the future!

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data