Sociological research among students of Al-Farabi KazNU

15 april, 2024

On the initiative of the Compliance Control Service of the University in accordance with the action plan for the formation of anti-corruption culture of Al-Farabi KazNU for 2023-2024 conducted sociological research method of anonymous survey among students of the University to identify the level of perception of corruption.

The survey was conducted by the Center for Sociological Research and Social Engineering in the period from March 18 to April 10, 2024 and covered 17 faculties (including Al-Farabi business school) totaling 7,893 respondents.

According to the results of the questionnaire, the following results were obtained for the question reflecting the general level of perception of corruption (Do you think it is acceptable to use illegal means to achieve your own interests):               -92.3% of students say that the use of illegal means to achieve their own interests is unacceptable;

-7.7% consider the use of illegal means to achieve their own interests acceptable.

When asked whether there is a possibility of corruption at the university when selecting candidates for internship/training abroad, the following results were obtained:

- 18.6 believe that the realization of the possibility of internship/training abroad is associated with corruption risks;

- 81.4% of respondents answered the question negatively.

It is also worth noting that the overwhelming majority of the surveyed students 92.6% claim that they have never encountered unfair practices during the period of boundary control and session.

The respondents were interviewed on 11 questions, the results of the survey as a whole showed that the level of transparency in the University is assessed by them as high.

At the same time, the results of the questionnaire showed that it is necessary to pay attention to increasing the activity of student youth in the issues of combating corruption, as students themselves should become an active subject of social practice, which will make it possible to realize large-scale changes in society.

The results of the survey will be communicated to the members of the University Board, deans of faculties, representatives of student organizations of the University and it is planned to hold a meeting to discuss the results of the survey and develop specific proposals, as well as a set of measures to prevent corrupt practices in the University.