SDG 3. Good health and well-being, SDG 4. Quality education
Open curatorial lesson "Stop Drugs and Alcohol" was organised by 1st year students of the speciality "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications" (group 156) and curator Turlykozhaeva D.A. in 418.
Purpose of the lesson:
The purpose of the open lesson was to familiarise students with the dangers of drug and alcohol use and to encourage them to consciously reject these bad habits.
Course of the lesson:
- The lesson began with a brief introduction which outlined the theme of the lesson - 'Stop Drugs and Alcohol'. The curator emphasised the importance of discussing this issue and its impact on everyone's health and well-being.
- Pupils were invited to express their ideas about the harm caused by drugs and alcohol to human health and to discuss the possible consequences of their use.
- The tutor gave an informative presentation which included facts about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body and ways to combat their spread.
- After the presentation, the students were divided into groups to discuss the information presented. Each group discussed issues related to the causes of drug and alcohol use and possible ways to prevent it.
- The lesson ended with a brief debriefing and discussion of next steps. The participants were encouraged to continue to make a conscious decision not to use drugs and alcohol and to actively spread the knowledge they had gained among their friends and relatives.
The open lesson on 'Stop Drugs and Alcohol' enabled students to better understand the dangers of drug and alcohol use to their health and well-being, and to develop negative attitudes towards these harmful habits. The lesson helped to increase students' awareness and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.