Partnership with Softprom has been established

17 may, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University signed a memorandum of cooperation with Softprom - the official distributor of Hexagon geospatial.


As part of the visit, Hexagon's regional representative Alexander Tasev met with Zhamila Aitzhanova, member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where the parties discussed issues of potential cooperation, including the development of educational programs, joint participation in research and commercial projects. The meeting resulted in the signing of a memorandum of cooperation.

Mr. Amirkhan Temirbayev, Director General of the Engineering and Science-Intensive Technologies Cluster, presented to the guests information about Al-Farabi-1 and Al-Farabi-2 nanosatellites developed at the University. Also was demonstrated an innovative ALFASAT designer for the development of space robotics and STEM education in educational institutions. Omirzhan Taukebayev introduced the research activities of the RS center.

In turn, Alexander Tasev spoke about the company's activities and noted that Hexagon cooperates with many world universities, including academic and research programs.

It should be noted that Softprom is an international IT distributor with offices in 15 European and CIS countries and about 100 vendors in its product portfolio. One of the activities is cooperation with Hexagon geospatial - one of the world leaders in the field of software products for working with geospatial data.

The main objectives of cooperation are to create favorable conditions for exchange of ideas, information and technologies, organization of joint scientific research and professional development within the framework of agreed priority areas.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University