Araybek AzatbekulyFarabi University

Araybek Azatbekuly

18 may, 2024

Araybek Azatbekuly is a teacher, a teacher of mathematics. Born in 1985 in Altai, Shuar, China. In 2003, after graduating from the Altai Regional 1st secondary School, he returned to his ancestral homeland. In 2003-2004, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2004-2008 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Mathematics, in 2008-2010 he graduated from the master's degree of this faculty and received the title of "Master of Natural Sciences". In 2008, he began his career as a computer science teacher at Lyceum No. 107 in Almaty. In 2009-2010, he worked as a mathematics teacher at Lyceum No. 33 in Almaty. In 2010-2014, he taught mathematics at Mahatma Gandhi Lyceum No. 92. Since 2014, he has been working as a mathematics teacher at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in the field of physics and mathematics in Almaty. He was awarded letters of thanks from the chairman of the Almaty City Department of Education for his worthy work in the field of education, and was also awarded a badge in honor of the 10th anniversary of the State Educational Institution "Nazarbayev Intellectual School".