HSEB Alumni Day 2024

28 may, 2024

Greeting of the participants – Dean of the HSEB, Ph.D. in Economics, Acting Professor L.A. Bimendieva.

Granting scholarships to the best students from the Department of Economics

Awarding scholarships to the best students from the Department of Management

Musical greeting from a student of the Department of Business Technology: Ermashov Zhenis - 6B11301 - Logistics (by industry), 3rd year

Congratulations to the graduates of the anniversary editions: Akzambekkyzy Akbota - Director of the Certification Center of the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spec. Management (10 years since graduation)

Musical greeting from a student of the Department of Finance and Accounting: Endibai Nazerke 4th year Finance performs kui on dombra

Congratulations to the graduates of the anniversary editions: Kubentaeva Dana Duisembievna – entrepreneur, (5 years since graduation) and Bekbolatova Zerde - Regional manager of the chain of restaurants and coffee shops Sandyk, Tary, spec. State and local government (5 years from the date of graduation).

Department of business technology ("6b04107-marketing", 4th year;" 6b11301 – Logistics (in the industry)", 4th year): Tukaeva Aidana, Murat Nurdaulet, Yerzhan Aigerim, Shora Aisha.

Graduates and faculty of the Higher School of Economics of Economics and Business